Interposition Elbow Arthroplasty


Interposition elbow arthroplasty is ‍a surgical‌ procedure that can provide mobility improvement for patients⁢ with severe elbow injuries ‍or degenerative diseases. It involves replacing the diseased or damaged parts of‌ the elbow with tissue grafts⁣ or implants to ensure smooth movement and pain relief. Although less common than hip or knee replacement, it‌ remains a crucial ⁢procedure for patients with limited arm functionality.


There are two main types of interposition elbow ⁤arthroplasty:

    • Autograft Interposition Elbow ⁢Arthroplasty: ⁤ This method‌ involves taking tissue from another part of the ⁣patient’s body and using it to replace the affected part​ of ​the elbow.


    • Allograft Interposition Elbow Arthroplasty: This method involves using tissue graft from a donor to⁤ replace the damaged ⁢or diseased part of the elbow.



Interposition elbow arthroplasty​ is usually recommended as ​a ​treatment option for patients experiencing the following:

    • Rheumatoid arthritis or osteoarthritis of⁤ the elbow


    • Previous failed elbow surgery


    • A severe elbow injury


    • Damage or wear-and-tear ‍of​ the elbow joints


    • Advanced age (as‌ joint elasticity ⁤decreases)



Before considering interposition elbow arthroplasty, many​ patients will have exhibited symptoms such as:

    • Persistent​ elbow pain


    • Reduced elbow movement


    • Elbow​ stiffness or locking


    • Swelling or⁤ inflammation⁤ around ‌the ‍elbow


    • Weakness or instability of the arm



Your doctor ​will assess your elbow’s condition based on⁢ a physical examination and by considering your medical history. They may also order ⁣additional tests which might include:

    • An X-Ray or MRI ⁤to visualize the internal structure ⁣of the elbow


    • Blood tests, if the doctor suspects an underlying condition like arthritis


Treatment ​Options

Typically, the interposition elbow arthroplasty is recommended as a final treatment option. Leading up to this, ‌doctors might pursue:

    • Pain management through medication


    • Physiotherapy and elbow exercises


    • Elbow braces⁣ or supports


    • Injections​ for pain ‍relief


    • Minimally invasive surgeries


If these treatments are ineffective or no longer provide relief, ‍your doctor may discuss interposition elbow arthroplasty as⁣ a long-term solution.

Living With Interposition Elbow Arthroplasty

After surgery, it’s ​critical to get ⁢adequate rest and follow all post-operative instructions.⁤ Here are ⁤some things to consider:

    • Physiotherapy and rehabilitation exercises are essential for regaining full range of movement


    • Avoid heavy lifting​ or any activity that puts undue pressure on the elbow


    • Regular follow-ups with your doctor to monitor the ​healing process


    • Pain management might be necessary ​in the early stages after surgery


When ⁢to Seek Help

Following surgery, it’s important to seek​ immediate help if you ‍experience:

    • Sudden severe pain


    • New or increased swelling


    • Signs of infection like redness, discolored discharge, or high‌ temperature


    • Inability to move the arm


While interposition elbow arthroplasty‍ can greatly improve quality of life, being aware of your body and staying alert for potential complications is crucial.