Spinal Cord Stimulators


The ‍Spinal Cord Stimulator (SCS) is a device​ used to exert‍ pulsed electrical‌ signals to the spinal cord ‌to control chronic pain.⁢ SCS systems consist of an implantable pulse generator, a lead, and a remote control. The ⁢device is‍ implanted via ⁣a minor ⁢surgical process and can help ⁣patients manage longstanding ⁣pain​ that ⁣hasn’t responded ⁣well to other treatments.


There are primarily two categories of Spinal Cord Stimulators.

1. Conventional System: ⁣ The conventional system requires a⁢ minor surgical procedure to replace the power source when the batteries are used up.

2. Rechargeable System: It is newer and requires regular charging. It lasts longer and might require⁣ replacement after 10⁤ or more years.


Spinal Cord Stimulator devices​ are used to control⁢ chronic pain caused⁤ due to:

– Nerve damage
– Complex ⁤regional pain ⁢syndrome
– Peripheral neuropathy
– ​Arachnoiditis (pain caused by inflammation ⁣of a membrane‌ surrounding the spinal cord)
– Post-surgical pain


Constant chronic pain, numbness, tingling, or weakness in your back‌ or limbs are ‌typical symptoms for which an SCS implant ⁢might ​be considered.


To decide if a patient‍ is ‌suitable for a Spinal Cord Stimulator, the doctor will consider your medical history,⁣ existing reports,‌ and overall‌ health⁣ condition. Additional procedures may also be employed, such as nerve conduction studies, MRI scans, and a trial⁢ stimulation

Treatment⁢ Options

Spinal Cord Stimulation is typically ⁤recommended when⁢ other treatments have not worked. ‌The​ procedure consists of implanting‌ a spinal cord stimulator device under your⁤ skin. The ⁣device delivers a ⁣low-level electrical impulse to your spinal cord‍ or specific ⁤nerves ⁢to block​ pain.

Living With ‌Spinal ‌Cord Stimulators

Once the SCS system is implanted, you will need‍ to follow certain precautions:

– Avoid ⁣activities that place strain ‍on your back: heavy⁢ lifting, bending, or twisting
– Manage your device: Depending on your type of model, you may need to recharge your⁣ device regularly
– Regularly follow up with ⁢your doctor⁤ to ensure the device is working ⁤as intended.
– Occasionally, the device may need adjustments.

When to Seek Help

You should seek ⁤immediate medical ​attention if you experience:

– Increased pain
– Redness or swelling near the implant site
– Unexpected changes in the stimulation
– Any signs of infection.

Spinal Cord ⁤Stimulation is a unique treatment ⁤that may help you better control and manage⁣ chronic pain. It’s essential to have open communication⁤ with your​ doctor to‍ ensure this treatment suits your health condition and⁤ lifestyle.